Play a trick with your friend to unlock the phone with your fingerprint!
When the FingerPrint screen pops up, you need to touch your finger to the screen to be "scanned" for your identity, there will be vibration and beep sounds during the scan. The phone will be unlocked not depend on whose finger it is, but on how many beeps or vibrations since your finger touch the screen.
Unlock Condition (times) - Beep/Vibrate times to unlock
- if you set it to 0, once your finger is removed, the phone will be unlocked!
- if you set it to 3, remove your finger after hearing 3 beeps or the phone vibrate for 3 times, the phone will beunlocked! Otherwise, an "Access Denied" red box will be displayed.
Default unloack condition 9 times.
Note : If any Software gives "Certificate error..!!!" Warning , Then Sign it Using .cer and .key .To get Your own .cer and .key Click Here
I am tested with 5800 works great, download and do comment here