MyPhone 4 Signed Full For S60v5
Change your Phone UI to 5 different styles.Thats are Windows7,XP,iPhone,Android and Console. It is a signed version you can install without any hack or signing.
Change log in MyPhone 4:
Freshing water drops wallpaper & dock.
Fully emulate MyPhone UI in out look, move icons, changes icons
Slide to unlock.
Calendar list.
Archery Game.
SMS and Call notifier
iStyle SMS conversation, you can schedule the SMS with senders list, easily to read or delete SMS. (only for S60 5th os)
Add 3rd part icon by pick through list, no needing self input anymore. (only for S60 5th os) (Java application cannot launched)
Memo Deduction embedded.
Memo Mosaic embedded.(only for S60 3rd os)
Speed Dial.
Sketchpad (only for S60 5th os)
Alternative List Mode (only for S60 5th os)
Auto-lock (only for S60 5th os)
Set lock screen on/off by yourself.
Support Landscape mode for iStyle SMS. (N97 & N97 mini only)
Worldwide Weather
RSS Reader, with seamlessly reading data method
Fully functional, all operations can be done via MyPhone
You can switch MyPhone UI into S60 UI and the other way round seamlessly.
M1 UI.
iConsole UI.
Note : If any Software gives "Certificate error..!!!" Warning , Then Sign it Using .cer and .key .To get Your own .cer and .key Click Here
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